Movie: Crash
This is by far the best movie I've seen in a long time. The way the story line unfolds is masterful. It definitely made me think more about the world in which I live.
I'm going to go see my parents this weekend. It has been too long since I've been able to make it down there, but getting a two-day weekend hasn't exactly been easy.
No, last Sunday's sermon has not made it to the podcast yet. I will get that out there as soon as I can.
My shopping for the cheapest internet service is going to take me into the arms of Insight again. I was looking at the possibiliy of dish plus DSL, but DSL requires phone service, which cranks the price up to Insight levels. Oh, well. I can deal.
This Sunday evening, the High School Youth Group will be going out to Chamberlain's Nursery to check out their mazes. They have five. One of them is a corn maze for which we need flashlights. This ought to be a lot of fun.
Heir to the Empire came out back in the early 90s. It's the first book in the trilogy that continued the Star Wars saga beyond Return of the Jedi. I'm finally reading it all the way through. I like it. I need to go pick up the second book before I run out of this one.