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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blogger vs. WordPress, and My Other Blogging Experiments

There are many blogging platforms out there. So far, I've only tried a couple. I started on LiveJournal around 2004. Loved it. The best part is their "friends" page. I can read entries from anyone on my friends list in chronological order. The closest I have ever come to this is a status update roll on MySpace, FaceBook, and Twitter. The LiveJournal templates aren't too bad either. There are a few I like, and some minor tweaking is possible. (Unfortunately, LJ now has ads unless you pay.)

I tried out blogger because I friend of mine started one. It originally annoyed me because I couldn't add him to my LJ friends and get all my updates and once. Still, annoyance turned quickly into an opportunity to explore, and I quickly set up this account (with an initial misspelling of "Ecclectic"). I liked the interface. I liked the way I could customize everything. I don't have the greatest designs right now, but they are my designs. That's important to me.
I miss the old friend's page, though. Yeah, I can subscribe to other blogs or start a blogroll. The whole process is cumbersome though. Still, not a fan of the lack of that feature, and I can't forsee that ever changing.

Relatively recently, I checked out Tumblr. A lot of great stuff there. Oops! In fact, I have to take back something I said earlier. Tumblr seems to have integrated the LJ friends page. Good for them! They also have a great interface for publishing. Unfortunately, waaaaay too many things wrong. First, I don't know why but it doesn't look much like what I expect out of a blog. The templates are weak, so that doesn't help. Second, I get the impression that they are trying to do half blogging and half social networking (hence the "not looking like a blog" thing). It makes it hard for me to take entries seriously, and prevents it from being a platform for a serious blog for something like politics and/or religion. In the end, I'm torn about Tumblr. I like it...and I don't. I think they are going in the right direction though, and they may be the next evolutionary step in the right direction. For now, though, it's a step back.

I've recently opened a WordPress account. WordPress has a lot going for it. The best thing going for them is their across the top tabs. I can have a home page, about me page, blog article page, podcast page, and any other page I want. I love that. The biggest issue is the inability to customize design. if you want your blog to look like something other than their horrible templates, you need to pay $15 per year. Comparatively speaking, that's a lot. If you were to pay an additional $15, you could get your WordPress its own domain. Add the two and you have paid as much as you would for a GoDaddy site with tons more storage. The pricing is not only ridiculous, but the inability to make your blog look good without paying is a deal-killer for me.

So far, after I've min/maxed my options, I think my favorite is still blogger. It simply has more of the features I like, and less that I don't. I mainly miss my friends page from LJ, but they have something similar in the dashboard that also allows me to add other blogs not on blogger (which LJ doesn't), so it's a bit of an upgrade. And I really wish I could do tabs like WordPress (I can't emphasize how much I want this). Regardless, the best part is I can make it my own visually and don't have to worry about ads (unless I put them there myself, like my EVE ad, which I mainly have there because I like the pic).

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making Headway on the Sci-Fi RPG

I've been working on a table-top roleplaying game with a friend of mine. Since we haven't exactly put our noses to the grindstones, it has been in production for about 3 years. I'm disappointed that it has taken this long. I figured a year, max. And it should have taken that. I guess lazy costs time.

I believe it is nearing completion. Unfortunately, I don't want to say too much about it, other than it will be a sci-fi game with a unique system. The plan is to offer it as a website. We also want to have forums so that players could add to/modify the current rule set and setting. That way, we can have house rules and official rules online for all to see. Pick and choose the way you want to play it. House rules that we really like may even make it to official standing, with the authors receiving credit.

I would like to offer the basic game for free. If we follow this plan, the only charges would be if there are any supplements. And then, a minimal fee (about $1-$2) would probably be enough. It would be nice to pull in enough to keep the site up.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Score: 8.3

Okay, not really a score. It's my handicap in the pool league. I subbed a couple of weeks ago. I had to pick up 4 past games and play 8 games that night. Winning 8 out of 12 isn't bad, though I really should have won 11. And I would have, had I not continued to flake on the 8 ball. I need to work on consistency. That probably means I need to go back to setting up practice shots rather than playing complete games. Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Amazing Storytelling Through Art

There are very few theologians I can say I like.  Peter Rollins is among them.  On his blog, he has this amazing video.  Kseniya Simonova uses sand on a lightbox to tell the story of Russia's resistance of Nazi invasion.  As I watched, I sat stunned.  

Influencer is Good

It has been a while since I've read a good leadership book. Last Wednesday I picked up Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. It has surprised me. As you can imagine, it's all about how people are motivated to go in a different direction. I'm about a third of the way through it, and can't escape it. It is very pragmatic in its approach. While its understanding is relatively simple, it shows how difficult it can be to actually implement a plan to bring about significant change. I can't wait to finish it. Yet, to reach the end so soon would bring vacuous despair.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Still Awake

So, what does one do when still awake at 3am?  Start blogging.

Better yet, I think I'll eat, then crawl into bed and watch Dr. Who Season 2.  I've been impressed by this remake.  The Doctors have been surprisingly good.  The storylines often remind me that there's supposed to be a horror element to them.  And the writers do an excellent job of making sure you're watching Dr. Who, and not some spinoff.  

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Q&A Site for ECF-Net

My internet side project is the Evolving Christian Faith Network (or ECF-Net), which is meant to be a voice for a revisionist alternative for Christians. My friend Gnarf just put together a StackExchange Q&A site for WoW called EpicAdvice. It's very cool. Since the StackExchange platform is in beta and free, I decided to put one together for ECF-Net.

The Evolving Christian Faith Network Q&A page.

The StackExchange platforms is very community driven. I've snagged a TED vid for the ECF-Net blog entitled "Clay Shirkey on Institutions vs. Collaboration" that may help if the idea is difficult to grasp. Basically, it is for the community, by the community. As people gain standing in the community, they are able to do more things (such as edit posts). The more the community trusts someone (based on the quality of their interaction), the more power the community gives them.

This is an experiment. Its longevity may be determined by whether I can afford to keep it up once the beta ends and StackExchange starts charging. Hopefully, it takes a while before that begins, and I am able to gather enough people for the site to become self-sustaining.

X-posted: ECF-Net.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Behold, My Mighty Shaft of Power!

I've been playing pool for 3 1/2 months now. I figured out that I like the lighter sticks. I wanted blue (I call it my lightsaber). I wanted something between $50 and $150. Anything more than that and I would not be able to appreciate it.

I finally found my stick of choice: The Viking G02, Blue.

I love this stick. I've only used it a couple of times, but already I can feel the importance of having something decent to shoot with. A good investment.

And, yes, I supported the place that I play, Rockford Billiard Cafe.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Akira, Evolutionary Energy, and Theology

My friend (LithiumInduced) and I are working on a tabletop RPG together. Recently, we've discussed how we want to create the religious system. That's when the old, old anime Akira came up. One of the main characters, Tetsuo, became a conduit for Evolutionary Energy, which made him a total bad-ass. So, we started to talk about the energy of "potentiality."

That was last Tuesday. Just today while reading Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy I realized how close our product came to Process Theology. I like process theology, for the most part. I think it has issues, which are primarily connected to its metaphysics (mainly meaning that I'm leery of any metaphysic). I'm more of a deconstructionist. But I need to explore this more as I continue to work out my own perspective.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Where's My Xbox?

It was accepted at the post office on Wednesday. It should take 4-11 days. I'm impatient. I hope it gets here soon.

Have I mentioned that I'm impatient.

*taps foot vigorously*

ETA: It has arrived! Yay!

*jumps up and down*

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome to the 20th Century: Halo on the Way

I finally did it. I broke down and bought an Xbox. No, not an Xbox 360. Just an Xbox. With a green "X" right on top.

I love video games. The reason I haven't bought a system is that they are expensive, and I couldn't justify it. Why get a console system when computers are better. Now that I have a 32" Vizio, though, I have a reason to have one. If I wanted to spend a lot of cash on a system, I would buy another desktop rather than a 360. And since I love Halo, I had to get an Xbox.

Yay for eBay! I found a system and many games for about $100. It should be here in about a week or so. I will have plenty of fun lined up for my copious free time. All I need now is copious free time. This could be a problem.

My schedule is full from week to week, but I will have to make room for my new toy. Halo, here I come!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


I think my cat needs lessons on how to be a cat. Last Sunday, she's tearing into the bookshelf in the living room at 11am (while I'm trying to sleep between night shifts). The entire bottom shelf cleaned off and spread out onto the floor.

Okay, I think, "maybe she's after a bug." I move the bookshelf out a little. Lo and behold, I see a mouse tail.


I put Annabelle on the left side of the bookshelf to keep watch. I grab a towel to start to press it into the right side (it's in a corner on this side). Annabelle comes over to the right side where the action is. I pick her up and put her back on the left side with "You watch for the mouse over here." I proceed to make sure the towel is snugly in place to hamper escape (not that it would necessarily work, but maybe it would slow the mouse down a bit). Annabelle appears again on the right side. I pick her up and put her back on the left side, hoping the mouse had not made a break for it. I then finished cleaning off the 3' bookshelf.

It was time. I lifted the bookshelf, Annabelle jumped in and snagged it. A bunch of quarters dropped on my foot. They stung. Annabelle wandered into the kitchen. She dropped the mouse. It tried to flee, but she grabbed it again. She dropped it again. This time, it successfully made it under the fridge. After that, who knows where it went.

Mousing 101 second try = FAIL!

I really wonder if she knows what she's supposed to do once she catches it.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Being Sick Sucks

I think it's a flu bug. It has been building for a few days. Finally, last night it caught up to me. I had to bail on work. Today, I've been laying around watching TV. It may sound like fun, this laying around, but I feel like shit. On the bright side, I don't go back to work until Thursday. That gives me a few days to recover. Unfortunately, it means that my time off is lost to getting better.

Oh well.

I think I'll lay back down now.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Goal: Pool Shark

I've decided that I need to learn pool. Well, not just learn pool, really. I want to become a shark.

Those who know me know that I usually don't just learn something new. I want to be good at it...really good. That applies to pool as well. Last week I came into the office on a day off and practiced shooting on the pool table for about 6 hours. Yes, I was sore the next day. But, in a game I shot a masse around one ball, into another, which in turn tapped my real target and knocked it to the edge. Unfortunately, it didn't go in, but I was quite happy with "almost." It's a great game.

Eventually, I'd like to be able to do the tricks in this video, though I think that may be a loooong time away.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Application to the Evil League of Evil

I just picked up Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.  One of the extras is a set of video applications for the Evil League of Evil (ELE).  My favorite is the one by The Reverend.  I think this should be my application.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Radar Detectors in Illinois

I've always believed that radar detectors are illegal in Illinois. The article "Illinois Car Insurance: Radar Detector Law & Legalities" says otherwise.
Under federal law, the use of radar and lidar detectors is illegal in all commercial vehicles over 10,000 pounds (see For all other purposes, radar and lidar detectors are legal in Illinois.
Whoda thunk it? That settles it. I'm getting one so I can make it to the parents faster.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Weekend #2

Last week, I started my new weekend hours at work. On Saturdays, I now go in at 7pm and get out at 6:30am Sunday morning. I go home, play with the cat, go to bed and get hopefully 8 hours of sleep, get up, and get back in the office at 6pm for another over-nighter.

Last week went relatively well. I didn't get a lot of sleep before the Saturday-Sunday shift, so I was tired. When I got home, Annabell went ape-shit. She was way too excited to see me. I spent some time with here, but after a while it was bedtime. She disagreed. I don't think I've ever seen her go berserk like that. She ran all around the apartment, clawed on nearly everything cloth to get my attention, and even jumped on the bed and ran in a circle. It's generally good to feel loved, but not so much when I'm trying to go to bed so I can get up for work. Eventually, she calmed down.

Early afternoon the Sunday lawn mowing started. I'm pretty sure I heard 2 lawn mowers and a weed whacker going at once. That really wasn't too bad though. I was able to get back to sleep relatively quickly.

Overall, I enjoy working nights. It's so quiet and peaceful. When I worked nights in the past, I was alone. Now, I have a workmate. It's nice having someone else there.

I got more sleep last night and I'm more prepared for tonight. It may take a couple of weeks for my body to fall into a rhythm. I hope Annabell adjusts as easily as I will.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

It Was Just a Little Thing

Last night I went to Mary’s Place and listened to a cool Reggae/Ska band. I almost didn’t go in. I’m not one for going into a bar when I don’t know anyone inside. But as I got ready to leave, my friend Nukem arrived. I changed my mind and went in. It was a great time. I’m glad his arrival prompted me to stay.

The coolest thing, though, happened today. Nukem gave me a call to make sure I made it home safely. I’m not used to that. Normally, in my little world, it’s me looking out after others. It was really nice to be on the receiving end. In the grand scheme of things, this really was just a little thing. I thanked my friend, but I don’t think he’s figured out what that little gesture meant to me. It really made my day.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The End of EVE

Yeah, I know, I just posted an entry. This one is different. It's about one of my pasttimes.

I enjoyed playing EVE Online for quite some time. But now, I think it's time to draw it to a close. I just have too much to do. It's also getting a bit boring. I don't think I'll pick up on another MMO for a long time, if ever. I've come to believe that I'm more inclined toward games that have an end. Yes, it's fun to "advance." And it's more fun to finish and start over.

I Double Dog Down Dare You

The TV rocks! No longer do I have to get up every 2 minutes to jiggle the wire, in hopes of getting a picture or making the squealing noise go away. Now, I turn it on and leave it alone. What a concept!

I can now start working out with my Yoga & Pilates DVD. I had already started with the basic situps, pushups, and weights. I won't stop with that. The basic working out gives me a different feel from yoga-pilates. I can't say I like one more than the other. Either way, I get that kinda fun, tender muscle feel. (*poke* *ow*, *poke* *ow*)

Since the weather has become warmer, I'm also trying to spend time outside in the sun. Mainly, I grab a book and blanket and sit in the backyard. Whenever my friend/landlord, Nukem, comes over to work on things, I see if there's anything I can do to help. Just standing in the sun is boring. Reading in the sun is better. But actually doing somethin in the sun is the best.

Recently, I've needed such things as the sun and exercise (especially the sun) to help me get out of this depressed funk. Yeah, depressed. It has been a long time since I've been in a relationship, and I'm feeling quite lonely. I haven't dated in what feels like ages. I need to get out there where everybody else is. Until that happens, I'll keep working on the buffitude.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Presbytery of San Francisco says Princeton Theological Seminary = FAIL!

I hadn't heard Adam Walker-Cleaveland's story until yesterday while reading Tony Jones' Beliefnet blog. The short version is that he has jumped through all the hoops required for ordination into the PC(USA). Part of that is the completion of an M.Div., which he got at Princeton Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian seminary. He transferred his membership from his old presbytery to the Presbytery of San Francisco. Additional time in process was expected for them to have a chance to get to know him.

But surprise! The Presbytery of San Francisco has decided that Adam Walker-Cleveland needs to take another 7 courses to fulfill their expectations! In other words, they have effectively declared the education that candidates receive at Princeton Theological Seminary to be insufficient. I don't know whether they would admit to that last statement, but that's what it comes down to: he met Princeton's requirements for an M.Div. degree, and the Committee on Preparation for Ministry said it was not enough for them.

Hard to believe.

Either there's something else going on or the Committee on Prep for SF is dominated by stupidity.

Yet, this is exactly the kind of thing that reminds me of one of my convictions: the current ordination process in the PC(USA) turns the corporate discernment process into a joke.
(Edited to change pic and add Tony Jone's reference.)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life is Strange

The unexpected abounds. I've had a series of ups and downs that have happened so fast that it really is like being on a roller coaster. Some of them, I think it's best not to relay. Others, I can.

For the last two years or so, I've been working on saving so that I would be ready in case of a minor disaster. Finally, thanks to the income tax refund, I got there. I even had enough left over to decide to splurge on myself. For my upcoming 4oth birthday, I wanted to get myself something big. After all, we're talking about the big four-oh.

I picked up a 32" Vizio (refurb)! I decided it best to have it shipped to work rather than home. I don't live in the "best" of neighborhoods, and I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't take long for such a package to disapper of fmy porch.

Then, I get an e-mail saying that I forgot to pay. Arrg! What? Apparently, PayPal accounts need to be verified. I did this, but it took a couple of days.

Between the time that I "bought" the TV and "paid" for it, my check engine light came on. It stayed on for a few days (the book said to rund it a few driving cycles and see if it goes off), and then started sounding and acting funny.

Time to get it checked out. I dropped my care off at B&C Transmission. Thankfully, a friend (whom I'll call Nukem, because he has a habit of making my armies glow in Empire Earth) was able to give me a ride back from the transmission shop.

Now, I'm landlocked. Before releasing my car, I stocked up on groceries, so I don't have to worry about that. My cat has absolutely loved the fact that I'm not going anywhere. And I'm (yet again) realizing the blessing of being employed by a company that allows me to work from home when necessary.

I found out today how much it will cost to have my transmission rebuilt. Ouch! But, I guess if this has to happen, now is a good time. After all, this is exactly what I was saving up for. I've got it covered, but it's going to mean tightening the belt for a while. It puts me back 2 years, but it's doable.

I also received today a note from the TV merchant. It says they've sent it my home address! Oh no! It's supposed to go to work. Why here? I don't know. Maybe it has to do with confusion related to the late payment (remember, I had to verify my account). Now my TV is going to appear on my doorstep where I did not want it to end up. This is not good.

Or is it?

I'm landlocked remember. That means I'll be here. Hooray! I won't have my TV shipped to work (where I can't get to it). I can hook it up as soon as it arrives.

And that's just a peek at all the wierdness that has been going on. At times it has been joyful, at others downright frustrating. Yet, I'm strangely at peace with it all. Maybe I can say that because I'm covered. But I like to think that maybe there's a bit of divine help in there, nudging things, keeping me unsettled yet safe. Who knows.

Maybe it's all a matter of perepective. But for me right now, amidst all the turmoil, life is great!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Bat & Wolf

My friend is a star! Richard created the story for Bat & Wolf, a comic about two old friends of an unusual sort: one vampire and one werewolf. And these aren't the uber-sexy kind other-worldly creatures either, unless you have a major thing for a comb-over. They're misfits. And their existence is about to get a lot more interesting than they expected.

Check it out. It's a lot of fun.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

EVE Synopsis on Destructoid

I've been playing EVE Online for a while now. It's an MMO set in space. What I love about is is its realism. When your ship gets popped, you don't just get to respawn. You have to go buy another. That means spending hard-earned ISK getting back to where you were before the combat. There are consequences. If you don't want to play the price of replacing your ship when you lose in PVP, don't play the the PVP game.

What I loath about the game is its realism. If I get my ship popped, I will have to replace it. I don't want to have to spend all that time re-earning the ISK to get back to where I started.

(Surely, you see how this is going.)

Seriously, it's a great game.

While searching EVE Online for information about the character races, I noticed a link to this stellar synopsis of the game: EVE: The Unforgiving - A Basic Understanding of CCP's Masterpiece. Anyone looking for an MMO should read that article and consider EVE.

And if you do decide to join, let me know so I can give you a referral.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I started this blog in 2005. Four years of the same look probably cries out for a redesign.

I've been learning a little about user-experience-oriented web design, and thought I'd try a more crisp look. The banner is still a bit large, but I'm good with that. I don't think the white background is too hard on the eyes, since the entire page isn't a blinding white. Instead of a black page background, I went with a dark gray to tone down the white a bit (less contrast). The dark gray, blue, white, and black color scheme seems to work.

I'm happy with it. (Though that doesn't mean I won't tweak the hell out of it.)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

B&N Fail


Oh, and I think at work I may request my own office.

Cool Site: The Art of Nonconformity

Chris Guillebeau (no, I'm not quite sure how to pronounce it) is a new name to me. I happened to stumble upon it through an article on Seth Goddin's blog. I clicked the link, and ... wow!

This is a great site. I mean, come on, how can I (of all people) not get the excited-fuzzies from seeing a PDF entitled "A Brief Guide to World Domination"?

So far, Guillebeau's site is impressive. Ultimately, his message is to find a way to follow your passion and milk the most out of life. Don't let the world dictate to you how you will live. Your destiny is just that: yours. It's time to take it back with your own hands.

Or something like that.

I haven't spent a whole lot of time on it, though that will surely change. Not surprisingly, the "nonconformist" writings appeal to me most. He has a great article on "The Anarchist Professor." Someone needs to tell the stories of those who do things "differently." They help us go claim a new perspective on on standards that we simply take for granted.

The Art of Nonconformity inspires me. Perhaps some day I, too, shall have such a cool site.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Baptism Liturgy

It's Easter. Traditionally, this has been a day for baptisms. As Christ is risen, so too are we risen with him. It's a significant day in the life of the church and in the lives of many individuals who symbolically express/experience their participation in the Divine Reality.

I've recently been reading Nancy Chandler Pittman's Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition. She offers a wonderful portion of a baptismal liturgy.
From Sinner to Saint, From Darkness into the Light
You are baptized into the Waters of Life
To be submerged once again into the Mother of All the Living
To Rise and Be Reborn to this World
To Walk in the Newness of Life
You are baptized in the name of
The Father, the Mother, and the Blessed Son, Jesus Christ
Through The Divine, all things are possible
Arise to be a living Testament for Their Namesakes. (p.63)

As I came across this passage this morning, its beauty struck me. Indeed, it takes me back to the day of my own baptism.

It's a good day!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I'm taking some paid time off Wednesday and Thursday. It's going to be nice to wind down with a 4-day weekend. It's amazing how quickly the time fills up. It's Tuesday, and already I have a million things that I want to fit in.

~Work on RPG
~Play EVE
~Read a friend's story
~Read some theological texts
~Read about emerging systems
~Play with Annabelle
~Try to finish watching Millenium
~Cook corned beef and cabbage
~Visit friends
~Post a blog or 2 on ECF-Net
~Clean the appartment
~Do laundry
~Slowly go through my Revenge of the Sith art book.

It's almost exhausging looking at the list. I may need to go back into work to catch a break.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Recently, I've tried to reconnect with BeliefNet. So far, not having any luck. Here's a link to my journal over there. I've called it a ghost town. It used to be quite active. My theory is that the vitriol is driving people away. Very sad.

There are two blogs, though, that I may like enough to keep coming back. Tony Jones is a leader in the Emergent conversation. He is a theologian who tries to be cutting edge. For many, he is. So far, his blog is quite lame. (He seems to be currently caught up in an argument regarding "practical theology," which is basically "duh-material" for anyone who's clued in.) But, I would hope to see it pick up.

B-Net also has Gus diZerega blogging for them. I first found out about him through his book Pagans and Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience (which I highly recommend). He's had an interesting multi-post argument going on about why pagans should not have "clergy." So even if I find the place to be a wasteland, it still has a couple interesting water holes in it.

Tool: Right in Two

This is a stellar song!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Frustrations with EVE

I've been playing Eve Online for a while now.  I have a love-hate relationship with it.  There are a great many things I like about the game.  However, they recently did an upgrade.  As a result, I don't think I can run it on my system.  I've finally gotten to a point where I can really do something interesting, and now I may have to stop playing.

I am so very disappointed.  

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring, Finally; Mousing, Finally

It's about time the warmer weather hit.  I was getting quite annoyed at the chill.  I'm ready for the days to come that allow me to open my windows.  

I watched as Annabelle failed Mousing 101.  Good timing too.  I was wondering a couple of days before whether she would know what to do if she found a mouse.  She found it and I helped her catch it by moving things.  She played with it a while, until it wasn't moving anymore.   I had to leave the room because I couldn't watch.  Then a heard a rumble.  I went into the kitchen to see what happened and found her looking under the fridge.  Apparently, it tricked her.  Either that or she ate it so quickly and noisily that I thought it got away.  

Right now, she's at my feet trying to get me to play.  I gotta go.  :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ashes to Ashes '09

Ash Wednesday is my favorite holiday. I'm not quite sure why. I suspect that it has something to do with the ambiance that death lends to life. I like to walk through graveyards with well-crafted, yet aged stones and statues. There's something special about adorning death with art. Furthermore, I'm a night person. The veil of darkness adds mystery to my surrounding world. When done well liturgically, Ash Wednesday captures those feels quite well.

My favorite TV series right now is the new Battlestar Galactica. I don't have the Sci Fi channel, so I have to play catch-up on Hulu. I don't want to spoil the final season for anyone (so if you haven't caught up, skip to the next paragraph), but there is a wonderful scene where the rebel cylons have to make a tough decision. Unlike humans, when they "die" they are downloaded into a Resurrection Ship. Then, they are uploaded into a new body. But, in a strange and unexpected plot twist, the rebel cylons help the humans to destroy the Resurrection Ship. Once that is done, death becomes final. This may sound like insanity to those of us who inevitably will meet an end, but there is something significant to their reasoning. Without death, life is meaningless.

I think that's what we can call the ambiance that death lends to life: meaning. This in no way makes death a happy occurance. I'm not happy about it at all. When I think of my mom and dad, I know I don't want them to die. I would much rather have them with me always. But all stories must come to a close. For stories to have a meaning, they must have an end. It is a sad, yet powerful truth. And I believe that intermingled with that truth is also an amazing grace.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Legalism Destroys"

It's the old tag line from a site I used to frequent a few years ago. It served as a home for those who had been wounded by the church because of their cultural or sexual identities. Basically, it was a place for Christian (or otherwise) pariahs. Over time, activity dwindled, we moved to LJ, and the site withered away.

A few days ago, I was asked by the founder if I thought it would be worth it to revive the site. Interesting question, especially since I had recently been thinking about it and what kind of potential it might have for today.

It has been about 4 years since the site went down. Since then, I haven't really found an online community I could call home. For the most part, they've all lacked a certain edge that the old hang out had. If we can come up with a good plan, I'd love to see it fly again.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Recently I borrowed Firefly (again) from InvaderTim. Good series. When it was on TV, I wasn't interested. Now, I thought it would be a good series for inspiration while working on the sci-fi game.

When I first saw Firefly, I had yet to see Buffy or Angel (also not interested while they were on TV). While watching Firefly this time around, I've noticed something. Angel and Buffy seemed to have a knack for not only telling a quick story, but also for saying something about the human condition. There was a certain depth to them. Firefly doesn't seem to shoot for that.

I'm going to guess that this is the reason it ended up getting canceled. Yeah, I know, it was ratings. But what led to the lower ratings? Could it be that one of the things that made for a Joss Wheedon Special just wasn't there? That's my suspicion.

Nonetheless, I still love the series.  

Saturday, February 14, 2009


As I start to revive this blog, I suddenly realize a small problem. "Eclectic Mass" is now the name of the spirituality group I am trying to put together (Eclectic Mass). I turned my website into the group's site, and now I think I should do something with this blog. I might change the addy to "irreverance" and come up with another banner.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day Off

Ahh, if only I could get up whenever I wanted every day of the week.

My plans:
~meet with a friend
~continue reading Emergence: The Connected Life of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software, which is proving to be quite good
~work on the game a bit
~contact people about Walter Wink
~and my cat insists that I play with her

Not very ambitious. That should make for a good day.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Seth Godin on Creativity

A very interesting blog thought. Maybe I needed the reminder that what is "creative" for me isn't going to be the same as what is "creative" for someone else.

Creativity and stretching the sweatshirt.

There are also some other interesting articles on there.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hey There Cthulhu: The Photomontage Video

Gotta love it. :D

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Reviving the Blog?

I think I just might do that. I haven't kept up well on my LJ. I like it, but I'm lazy.

The original plan with this was for EclecticMass to be personal and ECFNet to be theological. I think I might try to do that. If I go there, I will want to go hunt down some old stuff for very late cross posting.

It's just something I'm considering.