The unexpected abounds. I've had a series of ups and downs that have happened so fast that it really is like being on a roller coaster. Some of them, I think it's best not to relay. Others, I can.
For the last two years or so, I've been working on saving so that I would be ready in case of a minor disaster. Finally, thanks to the income tax refund, I got there. I even had enough left over to decide to splurge on myself. For my upcoming 4oth birthday, I wanted to get myself something big. After all, we're talking about the big four-oh.
I picked up a 32" Vizio (refurb)! I decided it best to have it shipped to work rather than home. I don't live in the "best" of neighborhoods, and I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't take long for such a package to disapper of fmy porch.
Then, I get an e-mail saying that I forgot to pay. Arrg! What? Apparently, PayPal accounts need to be verified. I did this, but it took a couple of days.
Between the time that I "bought" the TV and "paid" for it, my check engine light came on. It stayed on for a few days (the book said to rund it a few driving cycles and see if it goes off), and then started sounding and acting funny.
Time to get it checked out. I dropped my care off at B&C Transmission. Thankfully, a friend (whom I'll call Nukem, because he has a habit of making my armies glow in Empire Earth) was able to give me a ride back from the transmission shop.
Now, I'm landlocked. Before releasing my car, I stocked up on groceries, so I don't have to worry about that. My cat has absolutely loved the fact that I'm not going anywhere. And I'm (yet again) realizing the blessing of being employed by a company that allows me to work from home when necessary.
I found out today how much it will cost to have my transmission rebuilt. Ouch! But, I guess if this has to happen, now is a good time. After all, this is exactly what I was saving up for. I've got it covered, but it's going to mean tightening the belt for a while. It puts me back 2 years, but it's doable.
I also received today a note from the TV merchant. It says they've sent it out...to my home address! Oh no! It's supposed to go to work. Why here? I don't know. Maybe it has to do with confusion related to the late payment (remember, I had to verify my account). Now my TV is going to appear on my doorstep where I did not want it to end up. This is not good.
Or is it?
I'm landlocked remember. That means I'll be here. Hooray! I won't have my TV shipped to work (where I can't get to it). I can hook it up as soon as it arrives.
And that's just a peek at all the wierdness that has been going on. At times it has been joyful, at others downright frustrating. Yet, I'm strangely at peace with it all. Maybe I can say that because I'm covered. But I like to think that maybe there's a bit of divine help in there, nudging things, keeping me unsettled yet safe. Who knows.
Maybe it's all a matter of perepective. But for me right now, amidst all the turmoil, life is great!