Monday, February 21, 2005

Holding the Sun

I was looking through some of the pics on my computer and I think I should start posting some. Visuals often draw me into meditations on life in general. I'll share those as well.

This one is entitled "Holding the Sun," though I don't know its original source.

This speaks to me of human potential. It certainly puts "reaching for the stars" in a new perspective. When I think of what we have done as finite human beings... traveled the seas, flown without natural wings, traveled into space, landed on the moon...I have to wonder, what's next? Yes, there is so much we have yet to encounter. The universe is still mostly beyond our reach. So too the deepest and darkest parts of the oceans. And yet, quantum physics tells us that all reality is interconnected on deeper level. Although that which we long to reach is truly beyond us, in a sense we not only can touch it, but in a multi-dimensional way, we already do. I certainly don't claim to understand quantum physics. It is quite beyond me. But something in this picture resonates with me. Maybe the two are connected.