Sunday, March 13, 2005

"Bo's Blah, Blah, Blog"

Attached to my web page is a link to "Bo's Blah, Blah, Blog." It's more related to what I do at the church. I need to update it more. In many respects, this one has taken over the role that was previously assigned to that one. I need to start cross-posting to keep it up to date.

Anyway, the point is that I've put together a new layout for it. I would like a bit of feeback on the design. A couple of problems that I can't overcome. First, since it is a free geocities site, that ad bar pops up on the right and messes it all up. Also, if the favorites panel is open, it can also mess up the layout a bit. Anybody see anything else that I've missed?

EDIT: I have just reworked the actual LiveJournal page for "Bo's Blah, Blah, Blog." It is much better than the one embedded in my web page. I think I'll have to change the link to go directly there.