Title: Do Not DisturbThis has been in the works for a couple of weeks now. It feels good to have it done. I confess to having rushed the final stretch, but the drawing itself took around 10 hours. Much longer than I wanted to spend on it. Nevertheless, I'm pleased with the outcome. (
I'll turn the pic into a link as soon as I get it into my deviantArt gallery. It's a link now!)
Related to that, I want to announce that there is a guerilla art gathering on Sunday, 19 June, just outside the Octane in Rockford, IL. (Yes, that's Father's Day, and don't ask me what they were thinking.) It starts at
noon 1:00 p.m. and will continue for quite some time. I'll be late, of course, since I have about 1-1/2 hour drive to get there after our church service finishes around 10am. But I do want to try to make it. The plan is to bring your gear and put it to work in the open air. It ought to be quite fun.
And now, for a rant: Last night there was a wasp in my appartment. (That would be a real flying wasp, not a W.A.S.P. like myself, though I was also in my appartment, which complicated things.) For the record, I do not work and play well with life-threatening creatures. As far as I'm concerned, wasps, bees, hornets, mosquitos, ants, alligators, octopi, and any other creepy-crawling thing fits into that category. In hopes that I might be able to find a more subtle way to slay this wretched thing other than direct violence (which could backfire), I used the appropriate channels: I called mom.
She told me to put out a jar of sugar-water. Then, once it was inside filling its belly, put the lid on and let it die. That fit really well with the old Scrooge McDuck addage, "Work smarter, not harder." She also said I should put on sandals just in case I stepped on it. Ick! So I filled a jar with sugar-water and put on sandals. But the evil being was nowhere to be found.
Finally, I decided to brave the computer once again. Perhaps, if I didn't bother it, it would not suspect that I was plotting its demise as I worked.
The plan did not work as intended.
The wasp never went into the jar with the sugar-water. Instead, as I was working, I apparently
accidentally stepped on it with my sandal. Once I realized what had happened (which wasn't immediately), I promptly ground it into the first floor of the appartment building.
See, boys and girls, it just goes to show that a little motherly advice can go a long way...especially for those of us who do not do unnecessary pain and suffering.