Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My Home Church

Embracing Dynamic Traditions for a New World
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rockford, IL:
"Embracing Dynamic Traditions for a New World"

The time investment on this one was about 5 hours drawing time, and 3-1/2 hours computer work.

Someone has recently encouraged me to draw buildings and try to market the pictures. Well, I wanted interesting architecture to start with, so I drew my home church. The text is their new vision statement. (And a pretty cool one if you ask me.) They are in the process of erecting a new building closer to the interstate, which means that this beautiful building will eventually be sold. That made me think...might the parishioners want mementos?

Here's the plan: merchendise for a fund-raiser. Maybe done by the youth group. Maybe for another cause. Anyway, I create the wares and get a cut, but the rest of the profit goes to "the cause" (whatever that happens to be, I would suggest Rockford Urban Ministries if I had a say). Moreover, this gets the vision into the houses of the parishioners (maybe even on their morning coffee mugs), which is always helpful for leadership purposes.

Trying to sell this one is going to be a test case. (They are as of yet unawares of my wares.) I wonder whether there will be any other churches out there who might be interested as well. Maybe my friend Mike's church, Second Congregational in Rockford, IL. (And check out the sermons there. Mike and Shannon are really good.)

Here's hoping I have something here.