Title: Niedius, Master of Shadows
Charcoal is something that I haven't touched in over 15 years. It was fun back then, but messy. And since I like to draw inside, messy is a bit of a concern. It's a character for an idea for a graphic novel. I'm trying to figure out how to do quality b/w for comics. This pic was done with charcoal, but touched up in on the computer. So far, they see to work well together. I definitely want to use charcoal more.
The inspiration for the look came from the movie King Arthur. It wasn't a great movie by far, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I really appreciated their trying to make it more "historical" as opposed to "romantic." But you can't keep from coming to a movie like that without certain expectations, and when they're not met the overall evaluation is naturally less positive.
You get some great contrast and blends with that charcoal stuff.
I know what you mean. Ive worked with charcoal myself it can be quite messy. Im in the middle of writing a book as well but at the persent feeling a bit of writers block! :)
Tim: Thanks. The computer touch-ups helped a lot though.
Diane: Thanks for dropping in. Fwiw, I think the cure to writer's block is chocolate Klondike bars. Yum!
you found my greatest weakness CHOCOLATE! Heh heh heh!
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