Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Not Good

My car is smoking. I started it this morning (or at least tried to). It made funny sounds and almost got going. I turned it off, looked in the rear-view mirror, and there was the cloud.


I guess I'm not going into work today. Unfortunately, I don't know where to take it here in Belvidere. I'll have to wait till Ang gets back. Then she can take me to wherever it is that I need to go.

Hopefully, whoever is going to fix it can do it soon, because I have to move my stuff up here. Finances are limited, so it better not cost too much.


Anonymous said...

Well, now THAT stinks ... Literally, I'm sure! I'm sorry to hear about your car. Is this the weekend you're having a friend come up? My memory fails me, but if you need a vehicle and an extra hand, I'd be glad to help on Saturday and/or Monday. Just holler and don't be shy! My seats fold down for extra space, too. All I ask is that you don't be offended if I clean! ;-) hee hee

Tim said...

Worst timing ever.

my schedule is kind of whimsical (especially today unfortunately) but I can do some cheaufering if need be.

The Catshark said...

Ugh good luck on that one. I have a 1982 Ford escort so I know what you are going through with problems! Here is hoping that it isn't anything major.

irreverance said...

Thanks all. I think I'm getting everything under control now. I have access to a vehicle through friends, whenever it's available. That helps a lot.

Christina: I've canceled the trip to Spring Valley this weekend. But if it is you greatest desire to wander up there and clean, then your more than welcome. I would suggest purchasing one of those anti-radiation suits for working with the fridge, though.

Tim: I might be riding in to work with an office mate next week. Since you're practically an office neighbor, I might take you up on that if I positively need to go somewhere really important. (What was that pub's name again?)

Catshark: Unfortunately, it is major. But, on the bright side, after it is fixed it will be like having a brand new car for much cheaper than actually buying one.

The Catshark said...

Ouch! I posted the other comment before I read this one. But you are right about the bright side of things! At least you will have a reliable vehicle! I have almost done the same thing you did but only in the reverse. The truck I used to own was a diesel another reason why I am happy to have sold it as quickily as I did!