Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Is that Queen I Hear in the Background?

Stained Glass at Second Con
Title: Stained Glass at Second Con

We won! Second Congregational Church is officially the soft-ball champions of the church league as of last night. The final score: 14-9.

On a different note, I got a bit of feedback for my sermon last Sunday. It came in a beautiful card with our stained glass windows on the cover (see above).

Here's what she said:
Dear Bo,
A church service such as yesterday's inspires me the rest of the week. Welcome to Second Congregational Church! Youre sermon was great.

I'm not going to give the name of the author, and she probably won't stumble across this blog, but just in case she does....thank you!

For those interested in hearing the sermon, it can be found on my Eclectic Podcasting Mass. Or you can just click on the following button.

click to listen to audio


The Catshark said...

Good for you! It was quite an interesting sermon.

irreverance said...

Thank you.