Title: Angel at the Foot of Heaven
This is my most recent work. I just submitted it to deviantART for approval. Soon, it should be displayed properly in my on-line art gallery.
This took me about 7 1/2 hours drawing time (spread out over 3 days), and 2-3 hours of digitizing. Yet again, I had to piece together scanned images, but it was a lot easier this time.
As I step back from the original, I am quite pleased. But I am concerned that something was lost in the digitization (is that a real word?) process. It looks very choppy on my screen. I'll just have to see how the prints turn out.
Today's big news: I made my first sale! Six (count them: six) mugs. Someone had family coming in for the weekend and wanted to give them gifts. By chance I showed up at the right time with a couple of my wares. The next thing I knew, I was cleaned out of mugs. (Okay, I actually have one left.) Woo hoo!
I'm considering doing a "Beauty in the Garden" series. This is a follow up on "A Lass! A Beautiful Lass" and "Angel at the Foot of Heaven" (above). The series will be drawings of people in cemeteries. Thusfar, I've enjoyed working with that theme.
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