Monday, May 23, 2005

My First Portrait

Portrait Number One
I'm starting to see a theme here. My blog is turning into an art show. I hope that doesn't bore everyone to death. But it's my blog and I'll post what I want what I want to... (Can't you just hear the music in the background?)

Anyway, this is the first portrait that I've done. It didn't turn out too bad. And, it was a lot of fun to do.

When I went into Valley Photo, I asked, "How much is it to get a portrait done?" The clerk responded, "Well, here's our photo packages..." I interrupted, "No, I mean a portrait done in pencil." With the deer in headlights look, he said, "I don't know of anyone who does that in this area. I wouldn't even know where to point you." Admittedly, not the info I was seeking, but it certainly has an up-side to it.

I've decided to go into the portrait biz.