Title: I'm Too Sexy For This Job
How often do we want to say this?
This is Invader Tim sporting his crazy backward pants (the original pic can be found in one of his first blog entries). I wanted to draw something from an interesting photo, and this one came to mind. The complex pose was a pleasant challenge.
Yet again, I had to scan it in three sections. Blending them takes quite a bit of time. After scanning, I had to do some touch-ups, and I added his shadow. All in all, it took me about 5 hours drawing time and 2 hours of manipulation. It seems like longer.
Now, the big question is, will he let me make prints of it to sell?
That Rocks, Bo! Thanks. America can't wait to buy a Mug with my crazy backwards pants on it. Oh, hey the net is global. The world wants crazy backwards pants mugs.
You bet it does! It just doesn't know how much yet.
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