Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Moving the Blog

Having become tired of updating multiple blogs, I've decided to move my primary blogging back over to my LiveJournal account. I like the way their "friends" feature works. And it's more community driven. So, for more about my life, go over to Xian Anarchist's Live Journal

(However, from time to time, I might do some updating here too. Ya never know.)


The Catshark said...

Sweet, I will try to catch you on live journal. I thought about starting one of those myself but since half of my friends still use blogger, I decided to spend more time on that one.

Well since I have tons of time to kill and need to stop thinking of the damn operation I just had I will have to catch up on your new blog! :)

Anonymous said...

SLow down big guy. I just caught up with you and you are moving already. BY the by, MAckenzie was born on the 22nd of march. Interesting happenstance.