Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cool Site: The Art of Nonconformity

Chris Guillebeau (no, I'm not quite sure how to pronounce it) is a new name to me. I happened to stumble upon it through an article on Seth Goddin's blog. I clicked the link, and ... wow!

This is a great site. I mean, come on, how can I (of all people) not get the excited-fuzzies from seeing a PDF entitled "A Brief Guide to World Domination"?

So far, Guillebeau's site is impressive. Ultimately, his message is to find a way to follow your passion and milk the most out of life. Don't let the world dictate to you how you will live. Your destiny is just that: yours. It's time to take it back with your own hands.

Or something like that.

I haven't spent a whole lot of time on it, though that will surely change. Not surprisingly, the "nonconformist" writings appeal to me most. He has a great article on "The Anarchist Professor." Someone needs to tell the stories of those who do things "differently." They help us go claim a new perspective on on standards that we simply take for granted.

The Art of Nonconformity inspires me. Perhaps some day I, too, shall have such a cool site.