Saturday, May 02, 2009

EVE Synopsis on Destructoid

I've been playing EVE Online for a while now. It's an MMO set in space. What I love about is is its realism. When your ship gets popped, you don't just get to respawn. You have to go buy another. That means spending hard-earned ISK getting back to where you were before the combat. There are consequences. If you don't want to play the price of replacing your ship when you lose in PVP, don't play the the PVP game.

What I loath about the game is its realism. If I get my ship popped, I will have to replace it. I don't want to have to spend all that time re-earning the ISK to get back to where I started.

(Surely, you see how this is going.)

Seriously, it's a great game.

While searching EVE Online for information about the character races, I noticed a link to this stellar synopsis of the game: EVE: The Unforgiving - A Basic Understanding of CCP's Masterpiece. Anyone looking for an MMO should read that article and consider EVE.

And if you do decide to join, let me know so I can give you a referral.