Friday, March 04, 2005

Plotting and Scheming

It doesn't exist yet. I've been working on it in my spare time. It's an intro book to Christianity as a religious option in America. The BIG plan is to turn it into a supplement book for a video series. It would be a way to present a Christian alternative to both those already in the pews and to those who are on the outside of the church. It is all about a Christian option for postmoderns who are both experiential and thinking people.

On another note...

I've been thinking about how I could best describe God in my own words (which means specifically not using anyone else's formula). This is what I came up with:

God is the...
Life-Giving Source of Creativity
Unifying Way of Interconnectedness
Abysmally Absolute Other


Tim said...

Is this the thing I'll be helping you on? cool.

When you say "other" in your poem, was that a ref to Sartre's idea of the other? He offered that God was the ultimate embodiment of the other.

irreverance said...

Answer #1: Yes. In my mind the project is already much bigger than what we've already discussed. (Yes, I still think big.) Which reminds me, we need to talk soon since my timetable has potentially been boosted up.

Answer #2: I'm embarrassed to say that I've never read Sartre. But I know that he's a significant postmodern thinker and I love postmodern thought. But, with the way you described it, that sounds like what I was shooting for. And "abysmal" is used with a bit of a double entedre. It is at once refering to an inexhaustable pit, while at the same time evoking a sense of "awe/terror" at the prospect of encountering something so radically different.