Saturday, August 20, 2005

Big Day

Tomorrow (Sunday) will be a big day. I'll be in worship for the first time at my new church. Then, after the service, there is a picnic. What are the odds of me getting lost on the way there?

Hopefully, I will be looking at a house tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunatly, due to this I will not be able to make it to the Gorilla Art Thing (which will meet outside the Octane from 1ish to 5ish). Sorry all, but I need to find a roof. It makes living a lot easier when you have one, ya know.

I'm not quite sure how much I'll be in and out of my appt in Spring Valley this coming week. It depends on how soon I can find a place up here. So, for all those calling my home phone, you might not hear back from me for a while. E-mail will work much better till I get settled.

Time for beddy-bye. After all, I have a job to get to in the morning. (Hooray)


The Catshark said...

Hooray! Well I am sure things will go fine! As for getting lost, I tend to do that with a group of 50 people trapped in a bus. So imagine that if you happen to get yourself lost and realize that as crazy as it may seem your not as lost as I am right now! LOL! ;)

Oh and I forgot to add in the last post, I checked out your new churches website. Looks like a real nice place!

Have fun in the working world tomorrow!

MissionBound said...

Hope your new call has been as wonderful as you've planning it to be.

It's been difficult tracking you down lately -- but I'm almost as difficult to find. I'll be at my mom's house this week, give me a call!