Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The News

Tonight, the church called me regarding their open position and offered me the job. I very quickly said "yes," of course. The start date: Aug. 15th. That's pretty quick. Now, I have to find an appt that will rent month to month. The hiring is not yet official. The committee that presented the call to me is not the group that hires. I have to go before their Provincial Council for that. We will meet Sunday evening. But still, this is all quite the relief. Woo hooo!

MissionBound dropped in last night and left today. She had training in Chicago. Sounds like it was exhausting. It was good to see her again. Lots to catch up on. Way too much fun.

I cooked meat pie for us for lunch. The receipe:

~1 lb gr. beef
~1 standard can condensed tomato sauce
~1 standard can gr. beans
~1 sm. can mushrooms
~1 sm. can corn
~salt and pepper
~4 cheese instant potatoes
~1 egg
~shredded cheese

Cook beef, add tomato sauce, add beans and corn. Salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

Make mashed potatoes. When done, stir in egg (beaten), which will help the potatoes to keep their shape in the over.

Put meat, etc., into cassarole dish, and cover the meat with the potatoes. Then sprinkle cheese over the top.

Put in over (375) for about 40 minutes, until done (the cheese will start to brown slightly). Pull out carefully. It will be very, very hot for a long time.



The Catshark said...

YAY! Good for you! I know how crazy it is to move since I have done it so MANY times!

Meat pie huh. That is a pretty good recipie for it. Easy to make so you can spend time with your friend. Believe me I have made several in my day when company has come callin! I got several fast and easy recipies for those occasions makes it nice!;)

Tim said...


irreverance said...

Thanks you two.