Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Legalism Destroys"

It's the old tag line from a site I used to frequent a few years ago. It served as a home for those who had been wounded by the church because of their cultural or sexual identities. Basically, it was a place for Christian (or otherwise) pariahs. Over time, activity dwindled, we moved to LJ, and the site withered away.

A few days ago, I was asked by the founder if I thought it would be worth it to revive the site. Interesting question, especially since I had recently been thinking about it and what kind of potential it might have for today.

It has been about 4 years since the site went down. Since then, I haven't really found an online community I could call home. For the most part, they've all lacked a certain edge that the old hang out had. If we can come up with a good plan, I'd love to see it fly again.


authenticallyme said...

I say FLY IT!

Where is the link? Can old posts and threads at least be read?

I frequent blogs about healing form toxic spirituality, and I can tell you there is a grave need for these types of sites. I think in the last 5 years I am seeing a trend in people realizing there is something, ironcially, "fundamentally" wrong with their religion.

Just DO IT! LOL.
