Monday, February 07, 2005

Back in Town

I went to see the parents this weekend. (Yes, I did see the SuperBowl, but since my team lost, I'm not commenting.) Just got back tonight. Ahh, the silence of a one-person appartment is so nice at times.

While I was checking out all the links to my interests, etc., I noticed that nobody has my favorite books listed. What's up with that?!? Those are great books. How can nobody list them under their favorites? Has the internet given birth to a general lack of taste? Alas, but some questions may have been meant to be beyond us.


Tim said...
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Tim said...

It's good to see you in the online community, shepheard. maybe we cn meet in rl soon. and don't forget to visit the ever-expanding (and almost complete)

irreverance said...

Tim! Good to see you here. I like the site you're putting up. I even check it regularly to see what new stuff you've done.

Tim said...

Thanks for checkign the site. It's still in its infancy. well, it's a precocious teen at this point really. If it doesn't behave--no car keys for you, mister. Or missy, maybe. Yes, if I anthropomorphize my site, I think it shall be a lady.