Friday, July 22, 2005

Getting Back in the Saddle

It's a working design, but I'm kinda partial to it

Now that I've got some time on my hands, I need to get back to work on Nutshell Christianity. It has been about 4 mo's since I last worked on it, and it's high time I got back in the saddle.

This is what I said about it back in March:
It doesn't exist yet. I've been working on it in my spare time. It's an intro book to Christianity as a religious option in America. The BIG plan is to turn it into a supplement book for a video series. It would be a way to present a Christian alternative to both those already in the pews and to those who are on the outside of the church. It is all about a Christian option for postmoderns who are both experiential and thinking people.

Since then, I have a basic outline:
1. What is Christianity?
2. Christianity's Origins
3. Christianity's Central Symbols and Beliefs
4. Christianity's Aim
5. Being/Becoming Christian
6. The Problem of Evil

And possibly...
7. Major Issues in Christianity Today

The title is a working title. I will still need something better. Maybe, A Christian Alternative, or Christian Evolution. Not sure yet. What I do know is that I have a lot of work to do.


The Catshark said...

This sounds interesting.

I just wanted to tell you that I got my computer back on track! YAY! Now we have a mutual relationship with each other! The visual effects are stunning and actually your pod casts sound better with the new sound card! LOL!

Also, it was a struggle with me jumping through a few microsoft hoops to get this doppler thing to work but I figured it all out! Trouble trouble trouble! LOL!

irreverance said...

Congratulations on the computer. Sounds like video games should be really cool on it.

TimChose said...

Book cover looks great, and I'm glad to see somebody writing about something Godly.
Only one thing...
I know that I don't know you and all, but please...
Don't use Papyrus as the cover font! It's everywhere! So trendy and overused, like Creed was!
Otherwise, your blog is super sweet!

irreverance said...

Don't use Papyrus as the cover font!<<


I have to admit, I really like the font. But, before a final product emerges, I'll be looking at other designs, I'm sure. I'd love to hear font suggestions. There are so many to go through.

Thanks for the compliments! And, thanks for dropping in.