Friday, July 01, 2005

An Interview with Your's Truly

The most recent installment of Tim's Podcast is out. It starts with an interview with none other than me. Get over there and listen to that thing.

Which leads me to a little story. When I went to Tim's podcast page, I also checked out his Podcast Extras page. As I was reading, I noticed that he misspelled "ecclectic" wrong, not once but twice. Silly boy spelled it with only one "c". Then I thought about it and...wait a minute...I'm the one who's been misspelling it! Egad! I don't even know how to spell the title of my own site!

Okay, so spelling isn't my greatest strength. Now, the question is: Do I correct it or leave it? That means redoing the whole logo. That means people changing their bookmarks. That means me going through and changing links on other pages. I may just leave it. (Besides, it looks better with two "c"s.)

Maybe I should set up a poll: How many think I should change it after all this time? Or, maybe not since that, too, would be more work.


Tim said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the interview.

irreverance said...

Thanks and you're welcome!