Wednesday, September 07, 2005

And She's Off

Mission Bound is off to Japan tomorrow. Tim, her, and I were going to go to the India House (she's a big fan of anything Indian), but apparently they saw us coming and decided to be closed on Tuesdays. So, off to get Giordano's pizza. I'm very sad to see her leave, but I'm sure she will have a ball over there.

The car is back in my possession. In fact, now it works much better than it has in a long time. Woo hoo! I can finally go down to Spring Valley and continue dismantling my appt for the move.

I should be working rather than blogging right now. About 1/2hr before I left work today, the Senior Pastor and I had a discussion about doing some sort of "alternative worship" on Wed nights. Theoretically, I should be able to go back in tomorrow with something tangible on paper. Part of the problem is that I have too many ideas. The question is: "What approach will enable new people to give voice to their own sense of spiritual connection?" The next question is: "How do we advertise this effectively when the start date is 28 Sept?" So much to do; so little time.

Quite exciting though.


Anonymous said...
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The Catshark said...

That is awesome! I bet she will have a lot of interesting things to talk to you about when she gets back home. When will she return to the states?

Im glad to see you got your car back and its in good shape! I was worried about that since a good friend of mine was telling me horror stories of diesel fuel in unleaded tanks.

As for your wednesday nights I am sure you will find something to interest em! Good luck with that! But it appears that you are truly having fun! That is the best part of it all!

irreverance said...

She'll be there about 2 1/2 years. I think after she gets used to the place, she's going to really enjoy it. Then, getting her back here might be a bit difficult.

The Catshark said...

WOW 2 1/2 years! Thats a huge commitment. Yeah I think she is going to enjoy it out there. It is so different out there. Frst the culture shock will set in. I went out there while I still worked at the Airline. It was so beautiful out there.