Friday, April 15, 2005

Meet Captain Happy!

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Meet my friend's brother's dog. Ain't he cute?

Today, I'm going down to see Christina and Jacob. It was his birthday yesterday (the big "oh-nine"). He doesn't know I'm coming down yet. Hopefully, it is a good surprise. I plan to be on my way back on Sunday.

Speaking of birthdays, today is my mom's. I already called her and sang "Happy Birthday" to her. She's outside enjoying the day and working with her flowers.

I'm finally unwinding. It really started last night. Today I feel relatively relaxed. I'm in that in-between stage. And to think, it has only taken me five days to get here.

I'm considering starting to teach drawing on the side. Of course, I don't have "credentials," but I'd mention that up front. I was thinking of charging $10 per week, with class meeting two times for two-hour sessions. I would need a minimum of five people interested to start up. There are some things I can do, and others that I cannot. I'll just have to stick with what I can do.