Monday, June 20, 2005

Going Ape at the Guerilla Art Gig

Daddy's Home
Title: "Daddy's Home"

Sunday evening was the Guerilla Art Gig (G.A.G.) in Rockford, IL. I already knew InvaderTim and "ssg". New to me were Jesus (the one who called us all together), Marika, and Brandon. We did more talking than anything. InvaderTim should have the podcast up soon enough. (I hope I didn't say anything too embarassing.)

I was torn between whether I should draw a tree or work on comic book art. I chose the latter. I sketched the above pic out while I was there, and brought it home to finish it. It would be approximately a 6x3 panel (about a third of a comic page). That thing took two hours to sketch and four hours on the computer. Crimeney, Danger Mouse! I'm definitely not happy with the time involvement on this one.

I think I've figured out one of my major problems. Even though I knew it would only be a 6x3 product, I worked in detail as if it were one of my normally sized works. There's a point at which detail isn't detail anymore, and the big learning curve is going to be in that area.

The coloring took about 3 hours, and was the most fun. I'm really enjoying this whole taking a half-assed sketch and rendering it into something pretty cool. It's amazing what a difference the colors make.

Anyway, back to the G.A.G.

They are planning on meeting every least for a while. So, if anyone is interested, just bring your art supplies on Sundays around 1:00 pm-ish and join it. We don't bite...honest. (Can't vouch for the plastic sock monkeys though.)


Tim said...

You really whipped that pup into shape.

Honestly, you didn't say too much; you were just drawing.

check out the cast here:

irreverance said...

A picture is worth a thousand words. So, I think I said plenty.

Listening to your podspot now. Fun!

Noticed that you forgot to put Jesus' blog address on you site though. You can find the blog at Rick Cork's Super Happy Fun time.

Tim said...

all the suplimental meterial like links and stuff can be found at I didn't want to clutter up the works of the podcast page and the written blog won't always be a counterpart to the podcast.